Monday, June 24, 2013

Fun Car Facts

Start your Monday off with a little humor and check out some hilarious car facts that many people rarely know about!

Americans have been driving for over 100 years now. The United States is currently ranked first worldwide in cars per capita.  Along the years, there have been an abundant of funny facts on cars and the culture. Keep reading to see the most outrageous true facts!

The Early Days:
·         The first speeding tickets were given out in 1902.  The top speed of most cars then was approximately 45 miles per hour in that time.
·         Some of the first cars used a pair of levers to steer the automobile.  The invention of the steering wheel was not introduced for several years later.
·         Before the 1920s, cars were not equipped with gas gauges.  This forced the drivers to estimate their fuel level.

·         In 1914, Cleveland, Ohio was the first city in the United States to incorporate a traffic light for their roads.
·         On average, Americans will spend a total of two weeks of their life at red lights.
·         In order to drive on all paved roads in the United States, you will have to drive nonstop at 100 miles per hour for over four years.

·         Most car horns play in the perfect pitch in the note of F.
·         The average car contains over 3,000 feet of electrical wires.
·         One out of every 7 seven cars sold in the United States were bought in Southern California.

Read more funny facts from the eHow article by clicking the link:

Monday, June 17, 2013

How to Keep Your Kids from Driving You Crazy During Road Trips

Road trips are long. Kid’s in the back of the car asking, “Are we there yet?” every five minutes can make them even longer. If you can keep your kids occupied and happy you’ll be able to stay sane for the ride, as well as remain less distracted. came up with a list of the top 10 things you can do to keep your kids happy on the road. In this blog we discuss some of the highlights:

·         Set Expectations – It’s almost so easy that you wouldn’t even think of it. Make sure before you leave for your trip your kids already know how you want and expect them to behave. Make sure they are prepared for a long ride, and give them incentive to be good, for example: allow the kids to bring their two favorite toys with them as long as they promise to behave during the ride.

·         Bring along plenty of toys – Some kids like dolls, some like sports balls, some even like books. Whatever it is they like, let them bring it. If it is something that can be played with inside the car it will give them something to occupy their time with. If it’s something involving an outdoor activity, like a Frisbee or a soccer ball, set aside 15 minutes during rest stops to let them play with it. It’ll even give you a chance to play with them and ease some of the travelling tension.

·         Reward good behavior – If things aren’t going well give kids an incentive to clean up their act. Good behavior means they get to choose where you eat that night, or else it warrant a stop at the next ice cream stand you go by. You can also use this tip in reverse. For example if your child won’t stop complaining tell them they won’t get to swim at the hotel pool that night.

·         Let the kids have a say – If you allow the kids to make decisions for certain parts of the trip it’ll keep them happier and give them less things to whine about! Let them choose the road music for an hour or two or allow them to pick a few road games to play while you drive.

·         Don’t skip the pit stops – This one is important. Too much time in the car will make anyone unhappy, kids and adults alike. Make sure to stop every two or three hours to go to the bathroom and stretch a little bit.


Click the link to read all ten tips:

Monday, June 10, 2013

The Do's and Don'ts of Car Washing

Summer weather is officially here; so don’t dull it up with a terrible car wash! This blog has a list of the best car washing tips and the things you should try to avoid.

It  is a fact that frequently washing your car is the best thing you can do to maintain your vehicles finish and preserve its’ showroom shape.   However, careless washing can leave your paint in poorer condition than when you started. Using the right materials and techniques will make the wash easy. Here’s a list of some basic car-washing dos and don’ts that will help keep your vehicles’ finish in prime condition.

·         Don’t: Do not wait to do a full wash when bird dropping is noticed.  Due to the high acid content in bird dropping, it can potentially destroy your clear coat.

·         Do: Rinse your vehicle off after a period of rainy weather. The acidic rainwater could remain on the surface after the droplets have evaporated.

·         Don’t: If vehicles’ sheet metal is hot, do not wash your car.  The heat will help the soap and water to dry up, which can possibly dull the finish. 

·         Do: Hose off vehicle before washing. The prewash cools the sheet metal and remove loose debris that could scratch the paint.

Read the rest of the Do’s and Don’ts tips here: http://bit.ly3/p2WWiY.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Car of the Future

What does the car of the future look like? We have all wondered it at some point. Will it drive by itself, or communicate with other cars to avoid accidents? The infographic below from paints a picture of what the car of tomorrow may possibly look like. Take a look and see how it compares to today’s cars.
Click the link to read the original article from Mashable:

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